The news comes as China continues trying to cool the economy by restricting monetary policy and imposing anti-inflation measures. 当前,中国正继续通过收紧货币政策和实施抗通胀措施给经济降温。
The combination of positive fiscal policy and steady monetary policy is the efficient policy combination for anti-inflation austerity measures. 积极财政政策与稳健货币政策的组合是反通货紧缩的有效政策组合。
There are two policy problems existing within the procedure of implementing positive fiscal policy and steady monetary policy of anti-inflation austerity measures in China. One is non-symmetry of monetary policy; 中国在实施积极财政政策和稳健货币政策反通货紧缩过程中,引伸出两个政策问题:一是货币政策的非对称性;
The anti-inflation measures include strictly control of currency issuing amount, the reduction of large amount of financial deficit, the increase of labor productivity and the improvement of investment efficiency, strengthening the agriculture, control of prices by goverments. 反通货膨胀的对策主要有:严格控制货币发行量、减少巨额财政赤字、提高劳动生产力和投资效率、充分重视农业、由政府调控物价等。